The TrackYourDose app project is for sale:

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TrackYourDose is an iPhone app designed for frequent fliers, pilots, flight attendants and those who are radiation-conscious. It comes with a user-friendly interface and many features. The app is currently available for free in the App Store.

TrackYourDose Highlights

What is the radiation at your location? How much cosmic, ionizing and ambient radiation do you receive when you are flying or getting x-rayed? With TrackYourDose you can keep a record of your everyday exposure to radiation.

Flight Radiation

Accurate calculation of your radiation exposure during flights - based on scientifically sound functions developed by PTB.

Natural and Artificial Radiation

The determination of natural background radiation is based on your location. Keep a record of your x-ray examinations.

User-friendly Design

Easy-to-use interface, e.g. simple adding of new events. No scientific background required.

Flight Radiation

The exposure to cosmic radiation is elevated at flight altitudes. For instance the dose for a flight from Paris to San Francisco is approximately 50 µSv. The natural variation of the solar activity can cause a change of up to 40 %.

Accurate calculation of flight dose
TrackYourDose uses scientifically validated functions developed by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany) to calculate the radiation exposure during flights.

Daily updated solar activity database
TrackYourDose accounts for the variation of the solar activity using our online database based on measurements from the neutron monitor of the University Oulu in Finland.

Simple and user-friendly interface
To calculate the flight dose TrackYourDose only needs your departure and destination airport and the date of your flight.

Natural and Artificial Radiation

TrackYourDose calculates your personal natural background radiation and includes the most common artificial radiation sources.

Terrestrial radiation
TrackYourDose includes a database for the terrestrial radiation in Germany and the USA.

Cosmic radiation
The cosmic radiation is calculated accurately for any location based on the altitude.

Medical examinations
TrackYourDose uses published average values to determine the radiation dose for medical examinations.

Data for artificial exposure to radiation from smoking is based on several publications.

User-friendly Design

TrackYourDose has an easy-to-use interface.

Simply adding of new events
TrackYourDose needs only minimum user interaction to add new events.

Dashboard functionality
The dashboard shows a summary of your past events. Swiping it up reveals a full event history and timeline.

Privacy and data protection
TrackYourDose does not transfer your personal information to our server. Your location is only evaluated within the app. For requesting our solar activity database only the date of your flight (no airport locations) is send to the server. The data is not stored on our server.

TrackYourDose in the media

TrackYourDose has been highlighted in numerous international media.

15/04/2015 - DailyMail Australia How much radiation are YOU exposed to when you fly? App tracks your 'personal dose' of cosmic radiation from air travel
The TrackYourDose app [...] uses a mathematical model developed by scientists and meteorologists [...] includes exposure from medical examinations, changes in a person's location and flights [...]

14/04/2015 - Medical Xpress The app for frequent fliers and those who are radiation-conscious
Frequent fliers are now able to monitor their personal radiation exposure when flying using the TrackYourDose app. [...]

27/05/2015 (German) - N24 Neue App zeigt Belastung für Vielflieger an
Radioaktivität und kosmische Strahlung sind ein stetiges Risiko, dem sich niemand entziehen kann. Bei Flügen steigt die Belastung - eine neu entwickelte App gibt Auskunft über die genaue Dosis. [...]

26/05/2015 (German) - DIE WELT Neue App zeigt Vielfliegern ihre Strahlenbelastung
Wer beruflich oft mit dem Flugzeug unterwegs ist, setzt sich einer deutlich höheren Strahlenbelastung aus als andere. Eine neue App hilft, die eigenen Werte im Blick zu behalten. [...]

Download TrackYourDose free for your iPhone now

...and try the exciting features of TrackYourDose 1.4.

Further international media response

20.06.2016 (German) - Trendlupe
26/05/2015 (German) - Energieleben
26/05/2015 (German) - Berliner Morgenpost
02/05/2015 (English) - DailyMail Australia
22/04/2015 (German) - Elektronikpraxis
18/04/2015 (Greek) - no comments
17/04/2015 (Greek) - Newsbeast
17/04/2015 (German) - Pro-Physik
16/04/2015 (Portugiesisch) - SAPOTEK
15/04/2015 (Albanian) - SHEKULLI
15/04/2015 (German) - appgefahren
14/04/2015 (German) - Deutsches Ärzteblatt
(German) - MTA werden!
09/04/2015 (German) - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt